During some rainy wet flood weather, the Christ Light of Nations 8th graders brought their warm smiles and creativity to our Past Lifeways experience. They enjoyed working with local clay to make coil pots and flintknapping. We enjoy having this great group with us each year.
Rogers Park Past Lifeways Program 2019
Rogers Park Montessori enjoyed a multi-day Past Lifeways program during some very wet spring weather. They ate the first meals cooked in our new kitchen and made stone tools, clay pots, baskets, and pictographs. Students used our newly updated Archaeological Scene Investigation to learn about prehistoric cultural periods, worked on our ongoing village construction project, and created their own stories as part of our storytelling experience.
It’s Flood Season ☹️
Notice: Our museum will close at 5 pm on May 1 in preparation for significant flooding in Kampsville. It will remain closed until further notice.
Other scheduled CAA activities and programs are unaffected at this time.
Floods are a fact of life when you live in a river valley. The Illinois River has been out of its banks for a few weeks now, though not enough to impact our buildings and programs. That is going to change during the next few days.
The National Weather Service is predicting the Illinois River will reach 37.5 ft by next week as measured at the Hardin, IL, gauge. That means the flood will enter the museum. Floodwater enters the museum around 36.5 ft.

This will be the fifth time the river has flooded the museum since 2013. We hope the prediction is wrong and the museum will stay dry. Failing that, we hope the flood is brief. As of this post, the prediction at the downstream Grafton gauge near the confluence suggests the rivers may drain relatively soon. But, we’ve been misled before.
In the meantime, no other activities or programs are cancelled. Enrollments are open for programs and limited scholarship funds are available. Don’t miss out!
The Center for American Archeology is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We depend on your generosity to fulfill our mission.
Please show your support by becoming a member or donating today.
Jane Buikstra Elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences!

Congratulations to Jane Buikstra on her election to the prestigious American Academy of Arts and Sciences! Jane is a member of the 239th class of new members being recognized for their achievements in science, the arts, government, and other fields. She will be inducted October 11-13, 2019 at in Cambidge, MA.
The Academy was founded in 1780 by John Adams, John Hancock, and others who believed the new republic should honor exceptionally accomplished individuals and engage them in advancing the public good. The Academy’s dual mission remains essentially the same 239 years later with honorees from increasingly diverse fields and with the work focused on the arts, democracy, education, global affairs, and science.
“With the election of these members, the Academy upholds the ideals of research and scholarship, creativity and imagination, intellectual exchange and civil discourse, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge in all its forms,” said President Oxtoby.
The new class will be inducted at a ceremony in October 2019 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and join the company of Academy members elected before them, including Benjamin Franklin (elected 1781) and Alexander Hamilton (1791) in the eighteenth century; Ralph Waldo Emerson (1864), Maria Mitchell (1848), and Charles Darwin (1874) in the nineteenth; Albert Einstein (1924), Robert Frost(1931), Margaret Mead (1948), Milton Friedman (1959), and Martin Luther King, Jr. (1966) in the twentieth; and more recently Antonin Scalia (2003), Michael Bloomberg (2007), John Lithgow (2010), Judy Woodruff (2012), and Bryan Stevenson (2014).
Source: 2019 Members Announcement Press Release
Congrats Jane on this impressive accomplishment!
Archaeology Adventures with Metro East Montessori
Metro East Montessori visited the CAA Museum to learn about archaeolgoy and prehistoric people. They participated in our new program for students in K-3rd grades, Archaeology Adventures. The students had a lot of fun grinding corn and playing Native American games. It was still quite chilly so we focused on indoor games and they each made their own game pieces to take home. We loved having the Metro East students visit!