Kitchen Update

Our GoFundMe campaign to build a new kitchen in the Kampsville School building is underway! We’ve raised over $3380 so far. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far to support our campaign to build the new kitchen! We’ve started some of the plumbing and electrical work, and we’ve ordered equipment. The sink is arrived Friday. More will arrive this week.

There is a lot more to do to complete this project. Please help us reach our goal by donating and sharing our campaign.

Don’t Miss Out!

Application deadlines are approaching for several opportunities. Submit your applications now so that you don’t miss out!

2018 Golden Eagle crew hard at work.

See individual program pages for details, or send us an email f you have questions.

Feed the Arkies!

We’re raising money to build a new kitchen at the Center for American Archeology! Please support our effort by donating and sharing the link to our GoFundMe.

The new kitchen will be built inside the Kampsville School.

Welcome to our new website!

Our new website! Our last one was launched in January 2013, which really doesn’t seem like that long ago. It was time to update to a new look. This one should work better on mobile devices.

Hopefully all of the links work and everything is where you expect it to be. Please let us know if you find anything that doesn’t work!

We’ll be adding new pages in the months leading up to the field season, so be on the lookout for those.

In the meantime, why not become a member or sign up for a program?

ASU Field School students remote sensing.