It’s been one week since our post announcing the museum’s closing as a result of flooding. At the time, none of our buildings were affected, but NWS predicted the flood to crest at 37.5 ft. We closed the museum and began preparing for high water immediately.
The river is currently at 37.85 ft.

Our hope is that this is the beginning of the end of the 2019 flood, however it is possible that the rivers could begin to rise again. Here are some pictures of what’s happening in Kampsville:
Back door of the Museum on Saturday, 4 May 2019. Lost Crops Garden, Saturday, 4 May 2019. Tepen building on Saturday, 4 May 2019. A view of Kampsville from the Greene County landing for the Kampsville Ferry on Monday, 5 May 2019. Looking south down IL-100, Monday, 6 May 2019. Maynard and the Museum, Monday, 6 May 2019. Maynard and the Museum, Wednesday, 8 May 2019. The flood at or near 37.82 ft. Looking north on IL-100 on Wednesday, 8 May 2019. The flood is at or near 37.82 ft. The Tepen building (left) and flotation shed (right) on Wednesday, 8 May 2019 on Wednesday, 8 May 2019. The Lost Crops Garden is between the two and underwater. The flood is at or near 37.82 ft. The old university lab/museum/mess hall on Wednesday, 8 May 2019. The flood is at or near 37.82 ft. The Kampsville Inn, Wednesday, 8 May 2019. The flood is at or near 37.82 ft.
The current prediction is for the flood to hang around for a few days and then begin to drain. The Mississippi River at Grafton has already crested and is draining…for now.
Let’s hope it continues to do so!
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